Thursday, June 11, 2009


i still remember when i was young..(aik..dh tua ke skang ni??) around 7 or 8 years old..i always playing rounders in the evening with my childhood that time my friends not just 7 or 8 years old, the oldest is 12 years old..
the best part was when our 'bdk2 kecik' team won but the worse was when i 'terlps utk tangkap bola' n then i'll 'dikutuk2..dimaki2..diejek2' by 'bdk2 bsr' team..(very the rojak la this english..=))..

"BONGOK BETUL!..TU PUN XDPT TANGKAP.."..(eh..bongok pn ade rupenya..hahah)

even i was 'dikutuk2..dimaki2..diejek2'..i still play da game..i still continue with da game..but deep inside my heart...i was really hurt..really pain..i can't accept that type of 'maki' bcoz my parents never says such a that word..!..n i can't accept that type of 'maki' bcoz i never..never 'maki' org like that..

and until now after 20 years.. i still can't accept who ever 'maki' me like that!!!..n i'll be more hurt if it comes from da one that i close..da one dat i my parents..brothers..close friends..
argh yus..maybe u're too emotional..ngengada..or whatever..just forget it..n live your life!!!..=)


Cheedah on 7:55 PM said...

lah punya panjang berjela aku taip xnaik pun komen aku

beb sape yang maki hang?habaq mai...aku fire balik...aku kan warrior hang...hahahaha...

Cheedah on 7:55 PM said...

xbaik wooo maki2..nanti kata2 tu patah balik kat tuan dia wooo

Cheedah on 7:56 PM said...

no heart feeling laa...let go jaa benda2 remeh camtu yus

why u as on 8:31 AM said...

ala..aku teringat zmn dulu n sj je tulis n3 no heart feeling tunggula kalu tetiba aku bertukar menjadi singa kelaparan tu xtau la..hahahha